    This hotel is disinfected and sanitized with OXYGEN-OZONE Bioroyal. Environmental sanitization eliminates in an Ecological and Natural way bacteria, viruses, mites, molds, fungi and spores and any type of parasite.

    Hotel Eden at Viareggio

    3 star hotel in Viareggio

    beachfront hotel in Versilia

    Calculate the route in order to reach us

    With this page you can calculate the route and road itinerary from a departing address in order to reach our facility. The use of this function is very simple. All you need to do is insert the address from where you will depart in the field below (for example your home address) and the system will highlight the route for you and show you a map of the complete itinerary needed to reach our facility.

    The selected address is not in a valid location, please check and try again.
    Example: Via Cavour 1, Rome

    or calculate the route from the following points of interest:

    • Pisa Airport
    • Train station Viareggio
    • Highway exit Viareggio
    • Forte dei Marmi